♥Thursday, April 30, 2009 @ 10:01 PM today, went to help sir sunny as he's overseas. wa, the kids there! havoc sia!!! there's this indian boy, he's super naughty, didnt want to do anything then he tried to hit me, i scolded him, and he ran off!!! across the streets!!! without looking out for cars! was damn shocked la. then he tried to wriggle away. please, i so strong, you want to wriggle away? i use one hand can liao lor. then me, being the fast and strong one*, chased him back within seconds. damn pissed sia. where got ppl so dumb one. run across roads without looking. then i asked his brother to call the mum luckily their mum's those understanding type, and not those that think they are always right. ya, so, millions of my brain cells just died. hello, the dumber me. *he's just 5 years old, they can't run that fast and they're not that strong
♥Sunday, April 19, 2009 @ 4:08 PM you can't throw stickers away! they are sacred stuffs!
♥ @ 12:35 AM wth!!! i opened the door and you went in, as if i was supposed to open the door for you, not even a word of thanks and it doesnt really help that i already dislike you
♥Saturday, April 18, 2009 @ 4:56 PM cow muscles ache like crap ♥Tuesday, April 14, 2009 @ 8:59 PM xiangai vee horny she observes ppl's nipples! haha! today was orientation day. went even though was aching all over. it's only orientation day and i'm this tired. now muscles feel like they are being pulled, ache and sore. doh! salonpas! here i come!
♥Friday, April 10, 2009 @ 9:53 AM hello all, let me tell you peeps a story today here goes: a family consisting of one father, one mother, 4 kids (with one eldest brother and 3 sisters) and a grandmother were living in a house. one fine morning, the mother, 2 of the daughters, namely the eldest daughter and the youngest of all the siblings, and the grandmother were having breakfast together. as the LITTLELEST, SHORT-HANDED, DUMB, IDIOTIC youngest girl couldn't reach the cutleries that were in front of the eldest daughter. the eldest, already having her own set of cutleries, decided to pass the rest of the cutleries (which only consists of 2 porcelain spoons) to the youngest. when the youngest had grabbed the spoons, the eldest, of course, let go. well, UNFORTUNATELY, one of the spoons dropped from her oh-so-tiny hand (more like fat and stubby) and it landed on the floor and broke. with that sight, the mother said to her eldest daughter, "why did you have to pass 2 spoons to her?" "because i already have my own set of cutleries. why do i have to have so many sets of cutleries when i already have what i need?" the eldest replied. "you could have just passed her one! all she needs is one!" the mother rebutted. why is it always what the youngest need? why? WHY? WHY? what about the eldest daughter? have she ever thought of what the eldest daughter need? OBVIOUSLY NOT. why is it that it always seem to be the eldest daughter's fault? why can't it be the youngest daughter's fault for not gripping tighter? SHE WAS THE BLOODY ONE WHO DROPPED THE BLOODY SPOON!! WHY IS IT THAT THE ELDEST WHO GOT REPRIMANDED? now, the eldest daughter hates her youngest sister more. ok, THE END
♥Thursday, April 9, 2009 @ 10:57 PM wo jin tian gen shu hui bestie chu qu kan dian ying! handsome suit was nice catching up with her ta zuo tian shen ri, i mai le yi ge oreo cheesecake gei ta! hai you wo men you pai zao, ke shi pictures bu zai wo zhe li wo hen kai xin you gen ta chu qu! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
♥ @ 7:11 PM hello! i went to sentosa with them yesterday. let the pictures do the talking!
![]() group photo! ![]() LOL ![]() eric's got man boobs ![]() a body he would die for ![]() jy emo ![]() everybody caressing eric ![]() gayness lastly, a video for all to enjoy! :D ♥Tuesday, April 7, 2009 @ 10:05 PM in training is where i find solace ♥Friday, April 3, 2009 @ 8:01 PM thanks for making me realise what a failure i am in life it's always "jerraldine, help me with my beard", "jerraldine, print/scan/copy/fax this for me", "jerraldine, teach your sister this", "jerraldine, make this, so I can eat it", "jerraldine, do this for your grandma", "jerraldine, do this, that, and this..." i try to do them all, even if i didn't like it. and there was never acknowledgement, or a simple word of thanks. not that i care anymore. and i get" i was wrong to give birth to you" THANKS since you've already say that, why did you get pissed when i said that how i wish i wasn't born. you ask me if i like to spend time with my friends than with you ppl well, my answer is yes. all you care about is them. both of you care about him because he's underprivileged. both of you care about her because she's everything you all ever wanted. both of you care about her because she's cute and adorable, and the youngest. unlike me, my studies are so-so, i went against your expectations, i didn't do whatever you all wanted. it's always about you people. what about me? take today's lunch for example. you don't even know what i like/dislike, and you know whatever they like/dislike. one reason why i like my friends more because even they know what i like or dislike. and even if i liked them more, i can't be with them because of you people. thanks for depriving me of happiness. oh, not only that. did i mention i had to watch a movie by myself( not that i didnt enjoy it) and i can't even find a friend to go genting with me? how pathetic. jerraldine, i despise you.
| Jerraldine Temasek Polytechnic monster teethmarks wants other monsters erjie D: (haha) kiya:) fiona:) vena:) amanda:) xin yi:) adam:)
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