♥Wednesday, December 31, 2008 @ 10:59 PM had barbeque with the ppl i dont really like,it was not really good. wagyu beef he bought kinda sucked and he bought the wrong type of foie gras. but i tasted heaven with my marshmallows i always buy the right things! haha. my thyme chicken wings!! i didnt get to eat it! although the food wasnt really nice,i ate alot. as you ppl have noticed, i've not updated for a period of time. was busy with projects and stuffs. shall update now! on 23rd dec, had class bbq! :D as i have mentioned in the post on previously, then on 28th dec, almost the whole of the extended family and family came to celebrate my grandma's birthday made a card for her could see that she was quite happy. and i made a tart! ♥ @ 11:44 AM today's incident has made me realised many things. i'm worth less than his millions, or rather, i'm worth less than a piece of paper. i get it now. in his eyes, i'm the one who is always trying to gain credit. i was silly to even think that i'm part of this family,this place i called home. to think that he even cared for me,as she is caught up with the others. but i was wrong. i was never considered a family member. i'm just the one,who help her with the chores,do all the miscellaneous stuffs, always the one having to listen to all of you. the one always taken for granted. like that incident on the 70-year-old's birthday. and the incidents whereby i'm the one having to paint the walls,beause nobody else wanted to help, the one who bakes for you guys and never expected "thanks", as if it was all my responsibility as a daughter. i don't see the others doing this. oh wait, probably i'm doing all this to gain credit, as you've mention. sure,you've helped me fufill my wants, but what about my needs? i don't know,probably because you all never cared? my hope of thinking that you were out of the one who cared was dashed. thanks, ALOT. i should just leave,as if my absence would have mattered. goodbye.
♥Tuesday, December 23, 2008 @ 11:53 PM today's class bbq so as planned,we went prawning this morning. only me,joel,timothy and hejun were able to make it. AND I DID IT!!! i proved to you ppl that i can catch prawns! and i believe i caught more than you all in the hour! but then i had to leave as i thought the food delivery ppl will come at 2. but in the end,they came at 4.20!!! arghh!made me miss prawning! damn. anyways,renovations were rushed out in time for the bbq! then they came, talked,bbq-ed,ate,talked exchanged gifts!!! and then they played games. the platoon was split into 3 daidi,bluff/cheat/heart attack and chess had fun! but i ate alot!bah! and i believe timothy gained at least 1 kg, judging by the way he eats. haha. and kwok bing send cakes btw,but he didnt come. doh!
♥Monday, December 22, 2008 @ 11:37 PM havent been blogging,didnt really feel like. a brief summary of what happened these days. went shopping for cny clothes,went to granduncle's and grandaunt's houses. you can read what else happened at http://superduperful.blogspot.com I HATE YOU LA,ERJIE! anyways,i want to blog specifically about yesterday, bathed early in the morning,dressed nice nice (my clothes are never nice,but to me,yesterday's top was one of the nicest i have) went to pray to grandfather,had a mini gathering of the aunties,uncles and cool cousins. (with the smoke,ash and dust too) then i did gardening in my nice top, dripped something on my nice top during lunch, and baked coconut macaroons in my nice top. after that,i met up with fiona without bathing :D (i changed clothes though) passed her christmas present and we went to look for the shoes i want. from marina square to plaza sing we walked. damn tired,dont know why. and i think i'm addicted to erjie school there the soya bean milk...
♥Thursday, December 18, 2008 @ 8:32 PM hey 1j01,you ppl will be the first to use the newly renovated area of my dad's house! honoured?haha.
♥Wednesday, December 17, 2008 @ 10:29 PM quotes from the ppl i know: "this is not an aston martin,bang also nevermind." "like you can creep out in the darkness with ur ninja shinobi and shirukens and infiltrate her home through the snaking pipes beneath the grounds. and pick her secret closet with ur ninja hair pin. then make photographic memory ( using the ancient ninja memory method) of her diary. that will give u the information u need." HAHA "wassup y'all" "HOW DARE YOU UNTUCK ME?!" "watashi no kokoro,unlockooo!! *shing,shing!*" "erjie,am i fat?i'm fat.boohoohoo"
♥Sunday, December 14, 2008 @ 4:59 PM D: i can't confide in you, you are loved and cared by them, but i'm not. that makes us different. at least they care, for you. but for me, i don't think they give a damn.
♥Friday, December 12, 2008 @ 10:24 PM i think you are very motive-ful. anyways,i went out with DENISECHAN today:DDDD DDD we went town area we bought almost the same dress an d i think we are PLANNING to buy the same wallet :DDDDDD felt kinda guilty for leaving her alone when daddy came to fetch me sorry dear! on the way home,felt really sick. like motion sickness sick. headache,felt like puking and headache. then had to go ikea felt really tired and dying bought stuffs!!! ok,pictures from grandmas' birthdays and random stuffs ![]() paternal family i have cool cousins:) and my sister is a lesbian. and a cool grandma too :D i LOOK short,but actually am not. ♥ @ 11:44 AM apparently,ppl like to ask about your display name and they only talk to you just because they wanna know what's the meaning behind it(applies to only some ppl) and when you ask them to not ask,they just leave you there like display names are the only things they can talk about. losers,sheesh.
♥Thursday, December 11, 2008 @ 10:20 PM LIKE FINALLY! the internet is finally fixed. and, i saw jessie at j8's gv yesterday! :) ♥Thursday, December 4, 2008 @ 8:38 PM why did you appear in my dreams? don't you know that my dreams never do come true?
| Jerraldine Temasek Polytechnic monster teethmarks wants other monsters erjie D: (haha) kiya:) fiona:) vena:) amanda:) xin yi:) adam:)
credits designer: munn background: stars image: rain colours: rainbow previous: sun basecodes:planets April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 October 2009